Consultation opens on the Future Irelands Public Library strategy – Senator Fiona O’Loughlin

Fianna Fail Senator Fiona O’Loughlin has called on Kildare residents to engage in the public consultation on the development of a new strategy for the public library service.

Senator O’Loughlin said “Consultation with the public is a key part of any strategy and I am pleased to see Government engaging with the public on this topic. Libraries can and should play a huge role in our communities.”

“This consultation will feed into the development of a new Public Library Strategy that Government will publish next year. This strategy will underpin ongoing government and local authority investment in the public library service over the next five years, so it is really important to make your voice heard.”

Fiona concluded “The consultation surveys can be found below and will be available until 5pm on the 9th of July, I would really encourage you to take part. Link below: Public Libraries Strategy Consultation | Libraries Ireland